Free and Confidential Women's Center

It’s Your Choice

Are you worried about being pregnant? There are probably a million different questions running through your mind:

  • “How am I going to tell people?”
  • “Is my partner going to stay with me?”
  • “How will I know what to do?”
  • “Do I have pregnancy options?”
  • “Is there anyone who can help me?”

We are confident every woman who has been where you are has asked these questions. Take heart. You have options, and we have answers to some of these difficult questions.

Your Options

It’s always good to have options. You have more control over a situation when you are the one choosing rather than someone choosing for you.

You have three options for your unplanned pregnancy: abortion, making an adoption plan, or parenting. No one should ever force you to choose one option over another.

Take a closer look at each option.


Before choosing to have an abortion, learn about the procedures, side effects, and risks. You have rights, and it’s essential to understand all that abortion involves. It is vital to learn if your pregnancy is viable (developing), its location, and how long you have been pregnant. We can provide you with an ultrasound to get that information.

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With understanding and proper support, adoption could be the best option for your unplanned pregnancy. Not only do you have the freedom to continue with your plans, but you also have the opportunity to build a relationship with your child and the adoptive family you select. Learn more about the process and what’s available to you through adoption.

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Parenting is the most challenging yet rewarding job you will ever have. There are many community resources to help you parent, and we’re here to provide education classes, material items, and the additional support you will need. Only you can determine if parenting your child is your next step. We promise to help you on this journey.

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Anything Worthwhile Requires
Strength. Hope. A Dream.